
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Typical Day at Courchevel

After four days of near perfect skiing at Courchevel a lazy routine has developed.
The skis ready for the skiers.

Most wander down to breakfast between 7:30 and 8:30 to a typical European buffet. Cereals, fruits, pastries, meats and cheeses are available along with liters of coffee and hot water. Breakfast involves lots of “where are you skiing/shopping” and “what time do you want to meet” and “who are you skiing/shopping with” talk as plans are made for the day. 

The view from the morning gondola.

When you arrive at the ski room you find that your skis are already set outside with lower room numbers on the left and higher on the right. It is easy to get spoiled! The boots, dried overnight on a very classy shelf unit, are also arranged by room number though you have to retrieve them yourself. Oh such an inconvenience!

Robin, Gretchen and the Masts

Do we go left or right....?

Three liters of ...?

Most groups form up and depart before 9:30 by skiing down the nearby path to the main village, Courchevel 1850. (There are several Courchevel villages referred to by their elevation; 1450, 1650, etc. Ours is the highest at 1850 meters.) There are three gondolas to choose from in the village that whisk the skiers onto the slope.It is a big place so, depending on the directional abilities of your travel mates, frequent map checks are called for to move your group around the mountain seeking the best snow and lunch spot.

Lunch is usually a highlight since the restaurants are so nice. Each has a unique menu and personality so each day is a surprise and adventure.

Between lunch and five o’clock groups make their way back to the hotel with tales of great skiing and eating.

Lunch on the hill.

Five to seven is clean up and cocktail time. Some gather in the hotel bar around 7:00 to review the days events. Dinner is served at 7:30 in the main dining room. Unlike Italy, where we had three choices for dinner each night, we are served a set menu that seems to satisfy most. If you don’t like a course you can skip it and most likely will not starve. There is plenty of food and a generous dessert buffet to fill any menu gaps.

Then it is off to bed to prepare for the next day.

The weather remains bluebird and, though it results in a few hard spots in the morning and soft ones in the afternoon, no one wants to trade this for the “ski in the fog” experience we had in Italy.

One more day in heaven and then we head for home.

Foushees at the pre dinner cocktail hour.

Dinner in Courchevel.

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