
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The “M” Party; Creative Skiers Come Out

SM Euro travelers will grab any excuse for a party. In the past there have been Mexican, Hawaiian and the letter “H” themed parties. For 2011 the theme was the letter “M.” Some costumes were simple and some complex and the range of themes was impressive. Here is what the French hotel staff saw on Tuesday evening. (Apologies to those I’ve overlooked.)
Ann the Mime and grand champion

• Robin, Gretchen and Vicki; an M & M candy theme.
• Steve and Kathy; Harley motorcycle theme (with the assistance of absent Mo and Bob Dixey.)
• Jana (Minnie), Carrie (Annette) and Bob (Bobby); a Mickey Mouse Club theme.
• Kim; Merlin the Magician
• Paul and Ellen; Mardi Gras
• Carol Mast; Macaroni Madonna
• Bob and DiAnne McDonald; A “McDonalds” theme of course
• Greg, Lorrie, Ed and Ralph; A Mexican…
The candy triplets
• Val (Mimosa), Kristen (Manhattan) and Carol Powis (Margarita); Dressed as cocktails
• Claudeen; A musical theme
• Jim; Mummy
• Linda and Todd; I have no idea but they were great costumes.
• Jeff; Moustache
• Marcie; Wrapped herself in Maps
• Ann; A Mime 
Mullet and Merlin

• Toby; A Mullet
• Lyndsay; Martha Stewart and Doug; A Mustard theme

Carol, Carol and Kathy

The female finalists

Linda as a ....

Jeff and Jana

The McDonald's "Lovin it"

Jim and Claudeen
How’s that for a range of themes? The pictures say it all (click on the pic to enlarge.)

Oh, by the way, the sun was out and it was another fabulous day on the slopes.

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