
Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday on the Sella; Conditions Variable, Skiers Intrepid

 March 14th, Monday: The first day at a resort can be chaotic. Clothes must be unpacked, tickets purchased and ski groups assembled. Somehow out of the chaos various groups came together and most hit the slopes before noon.
Claudeen, Our Esteemed Leader

A trip around the Sella Ronda attracted the most interest and a number of people made the trek. Our group of nine started around “anti-clockwise” but, after a time consuming unplanned diversion that included the men’s world cup downhill course, we changed plans and returned the way we came after completing only about one third of the loop. Claudeen led a group off the Sella and claimed excellent conditions and scenery.

Overall the ski conditions could best be described as variable. There was some fresh though heavy snow. Groom, slush and bumps could all be encountered from time to time and the fog was a persistent visitor at some elevations. Corvara veterans have all seen better conditions on the hill but complaints were few and good sports plentiful. Improved weather is in the forecast.
First Day in the Ski Room
Prior to dinner the hotel hosted a traditional welcome reception in the lounge which allowed us to see their excellent staff at work.

At dinner Greg Nelson introduced the new comers to the spoon tradition. There were two candidates.

1. Greg Nelson: After explaining the use of plug adapters and transformers to his daughter Greg returned to his room, plugged in his electric toothbrush without a transformer and turned it into a smoking ruin.

Scenery on the Sella Ronda
2. Vicki/Ed Koehl: Ed, who is not on the trip, is keeping an eye on the Nelson’s eastside home. He visited the house, failed to secure a door and set the alarm off which resulted in a call to Greg in Italy asking if security should call the police. All was straightened out and Ed acknowledges his culpability.

Vicki received the spoon. Now, it would appear that is very unfair for her only sin is marriage to Ed. But the spoon holder makes the rules and Vicki is here and Ed is not so…congratulations Vicki.

To learn more about the spoon tradition click HERE.

Ski Masters misbehaving at a slope side pub.

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